In addition to one-on-one coaching, I offer coachsulting engagements - an integrated coaching and business consulting experience. Together, we address blind spots and work toward realizing individual and team potential.
My pragmatic and empathetic approach and full engagement helps individuals and organizations alike define what high-performance means then turn it into reality. By identifying key barriers and broadening perspectives, we enhance performance across the board.
This process opens new possibilities in areas such as decision-making, strategic planning, communication mastery, messaging, marketing, sales and operational efficiency.
For individuals, it also often leads to personal growth, while for organizations, it can drive strategic improvements. The ultimate goal, whether for a person or a company, is to elevate overall quality and effectiveness.
Our work together consists of:
2 hour initial planning session
Immersive strategy workshop
6-month focused coachsulting program for individual and organizational clients
Ongoing 12-month coachsulting (for approved clients)
Schedule a planning session here.